In the presence of State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nemanja Stevanovic, the Consulate of the Republic of Serbia headed by Honorary Consul Mr. Ryan F. Osborne, M.D. was formally launched in Los Angeles on 21 April 2018. The Consulate of the Republic of Serbia in Los Angeles will have consular jurisdiction in the territory of the federal state of California.
At the formal opening ceremony, MFA State Secretary Nemanja Stevanovic welcomed the guests on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pointing to the importance of establishing a Consulate of the Republic of Serbia on U.S. West Coast, seeing that the Republic of Serbia so far did not have a consular office in California State. The majority of Californian Serbs lives in Los Angeles and its suburbs, a total of approximately 50,000, while the Serbian community in this area is well-organized and according to its renowned members probably the most influential in the United States. Best known L. A. academia employ around thirty Serbian lecturers and scholars, while a significant number of our citizens work in film, TV and music industries, at universities, but also in the manufacturing sector. There are about ten Serbian churches in this area.
Mr. Ryan F. Osborne, M.D. is a renowned U.S. surgeon-oncologist who specializes in head and neck tumor removal procedures. He is heading the "Osborne Head and Neck Institute", an L.A. private clinic where he performs most complicated tumor procedures. In May 2017, at the Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade, Mr. Osborne and his eight-member team from the Los Angeles oncology clinic operated voluntarily on four Serbian patients with tumors identified in inaccessible facial and neck areas. Having got acquainted with the Serbian healthcare system and surgeons, he intends to include experts from the Clinical Centre of Serbia in an upcoming humanitarian mission he is carrying out in India.
The opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Serbia headed by Honorary Consul, with a seat at Los Angeles, will significantly contribute to the promotion of bilateral relations and cooperation with the Californian state as well as to the strengthening of ties with numerous and prominent members of the Serbian diaspora.
The formal opening of the Consulate in Los Angeles was also attended by Acting Consul General of the Republic of Serbia in Chicago, Dejan Radulovic.
The address of the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Serbia in Los Angeles is as follows:
Dr. Ryan Fredrick Osborne
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Serbia in California
8631 W. Third Street, Suite 945E,
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel. 310-657-0123
Fax. 310-657-0142