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Ambassador Đurić spoke with Congressman Brad Schneider

22 Oct 2021

The Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the USA, Marko Đurić, talked with Brad Schneider today, a democratic congressman from Illinois, about the intensification of the activities of the Serbian caucus in the US Congress.

Thanking the congressman for his active membership and contribution to the visibility of our Caucus at the Capitol, Ambassador Đurić underlined the importance of the joint approach of the Embassy and members of the Serbian Caucus in presenting Serbia's views in the place where the American foreign policy is being defined.

"Working with the US Congress is very high on the agenda of my tasks in Washington. I am glad to be able to state that the interest in our country is growing every day, as well as the readiness to understand our position in the regional and international context. Good news from Serbia and the region is now regularly heard in the Capitol chambers", said Đurić.

The special role of the Serbian community in Chicago and the whole of Illinois, which actively contributes to the strengthening of political, economic and cultural ties between Serbia and the United States, was also emphasized in the conversation.

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News - Archive
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